The Nanfang has talent! Our own Kevin McGeary sings Mandarin break-up song

Cam MacMurchy , June 13, 2013 2:00pm

The group of contributors at The Nanfang do a great job of bringing interesting stories to our readers each day, but they do far more than just that.

Our Senior Editor, Kevin McGeary, is a great example: Kevin has become well-known in Shenzhen for singing songs in Putonghua during open-mic nights around the city. His shtick? Singing songs in Putonghua using words that, shall we say, would probably ensure he’s never played on mainstream radio.

Kevin’s exploits earned him a feature article recently in the Shenzhen Daily:

McGeary, a 29-year-old man from Northern Ireland and a former teacher with Shenzhen Polytechnic, garnered considerable attention in the city over the past two years by writing and singing Chinese-language songs that humorously reflected on social phenomena in China.

Some people found McGeary’s music a lot of fun, but others said the lyrics were a little too radical and sometimes offensive. As a man who takes pride in his satire, the mixed reactions were probably just what McGeary was looking for.

With the help of noted Shenzhen-based photographer Jesse Warren, Kevin has finally transformed one of his songs into a music video.  It’s a break-up song called “Crossroads” starring Casse Zong.

Check it out.