Celebrate Single’s Day by Pouring Beer on a Bar Girl in a Bikini

A new tradition begins

Single's Day

Singles’ Day (November 11) is a fairly new festival for Chinese people, and it has gone through quite a few different iterations already. Known today as the biggest retail shopping day in China (and the world), it also serves as one of China’s many Valentine’s Days and previously served as a day for bachelors to celebrate their singleness instead of being ostracized for it.

In less than a decade, it has drastically evolved. In fact, an unidentified bar in Shenyang, Liaoning distanced itself from the shopping and romance by providing a writhing dancer in a bikini for its patrons to freely pour beer upon.

Maybe it’s slowly becoming China’s version of the popular US “Spring Break”?

shenyang beer bathe singles day

“Dancing in a wading pool covered in beer” isn’t normally a popular activity in China, a country known for its conservative attitudes towards sexuality, and was not well-received by netizens online. One person said, “Vulgarity without limits.” Another person wrote, “Despicable. This isn’t a promotion for a (bar), this is flat-out prostitution! People nowadays really have no restraints holding them back.

Yet another person took the opportunity to point out: “I can see a police car outside the window (in the last picture).

With this latest salvo shot in the War on Singles’ Day, who can say if November 11 will become the future date for wet T-shirt competitions and beer bong consumption in what will potentially be China’s own Spring Break festival.

Charles Liu

The Nanfang's Senior Editor