Tianjin police have busted a counterfeiting ring specializing in fake luxury handbags. The suspected dealers were arrested, and approximately 7,000 handbags were seized in the raid. The bags included popular couture brands such as Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Burberry and Gucci. The entire stock had an estimated value of RMB 100 million.
The counterfeit luxury goods are manufactured by organizations that are protected by local officials. In these workshops, craftsmanship and skills are passed on to new workers through an apprentice program. Thirty workers in a small workshop are able to produce enough bags to generate millions of yuan in annual revenue.
- Fake Designer Bag Workshops Thrive in Guangzhou, Protected by Officials
- The RMB 1 Billion Mecca of Fake LV Bags Busted in Guangzhou
- Fake Hermes factory busted, ring leader given life in prison
Photos: Southern Daily Report