Want to work at the Guangzhou zoo? Better brush up on your Marxist theory

Kevin McGeary , February 20, 2013 9:30am

Zookeepers who were recently recruited by the Guangzhou zoo had to display knowledge of Marxist theory in order to get the gig, Southern Metropolis Daily discovered Monday.

To work at the zoo, which is under the jurisdiction of the Guangzhou Forestry Department, candidates had to have a Guangzhou hukou, a college degree in any subject, pass an interview and get at least 50% in a written test.

The Guangzhou Forestry Department explained that it was not responsible for selecting the content of the test, which involved an enormous amount of Marxist theory. It also contained questions on general knowledge as well as zoology.

Male candidates had to be 35 or under and female candidates had to be 30 or under.

Maybe zoos are getting serious about the treatment of animals, or maybe they are just setting the bar high for much-sought-after government jobs.

Kevin McGeary

China hand, bawdy balladeer.