Britain Selfie Sticks

Beijing’s Forbidden City Wants You to Put Away Your Selfie Stick

It's hard to ban public narcissism

Selfie sticks seem to be everywhere these days, and there’s a growing public backlash against them.

China’s museums and other cultural centers have not yet joined the global movement towards banning the selfie-sticks in public spaces, although this may soon change. The Forbidden City is the first in China to take a stand, saying it wants visitors to put the selfie sticks away, especially when in narrow and enclosed spaces in the museum.

A spokesperson for the Forbidden City said museum staff now have the right to ask visitors to stop using selfie sticks, given the heightened risk to glass exhibit cases and other visitors, particularly during peak tourist times.

Let’s hope that museum staff use this newfound power. If you’re paying for admission to one of the world’s most historic sites, we humbly suggest enjoying it, rather than turning your back and grinning at your phone.

Charles Liu

The Nanfang's Senior Editor