Bubble tea in Shenzhen found with excessive additives

Cam MacMurchy October 29, 2013 10:30am

There are so many unsafe things to eat in China these days, your best bet might just be fasting. Or popping across the border to Hong Kong to buy your groceries.

The latest is Taiwanese bubble tea. It turns out the chewy little pearls in the bubble tea in Shenzhen have excessive additives.

The Shenzhen Daily reports:

The city checked 14 batches of the chewy tapioca balls across the city, and six of the batches had additive problems, said Chen Jianming, the administration’s vice head.

Four of the six faulty batches were found to contain phenylformic acid, sorbic acid and saccharin sodium, which are not allowed to be added into drinks. Two batches were found to contain excessive amounts of methylacetopyranone.

Sounds delicious, doesn’t it?

We should probably do a brief recap of what you can’t eat in the PRD:


Bon appétit.