Comments on: PLA Publishes Photos of “Chinese Soldiers” That Are Actually From a US Hunting Magazine Daily news and views from China. Thu, 30 Jun 2016 22:52:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: The Sinocism China Newsletter 10.14.15 | The Sinocism China Newsletter Thu, 15 Oct 2015 01:10:53 +0000 […] PLA Publishes Photos of “Chinese Soldiers” That Are Actually From a US Hunting Magazine … The Nanfang has caught the People’s Liberation Army Daily, the military’s flagship newspaper, lifting photographs from a US hunting magazine and claiming they are Chinese soldiers in camouflage. […]

By: Los Los Wed, 14 Oct 2015 14:45:00 +0000 Yes what a dumbazz article!

Charles Liu used a bunch of websites to support his conclusion. I wonder if he is actually behind these websites or he paid them to post the message, so that he can write a story to earn his monthly salary. What a joke!

“Sohu Military and AK Military News said these are “Camouflaged outfits of PLA soldiers”, captioning the photos with “The outfits of the PLA are enough to make people gasp in astonishment.””

By: PLA Claims Photos of American Hunters Are Chinese Soldiers - The SITREP Military BlogThe SITREP Military Blog Wed, 14 Oct 2015 13:55:31 +0000 […] The Nanfang translated the article on PLA Daily that originally shared these photos. While the Chinese military never claimed that the images showcased real Chinese soldiers, it added Chinese character watermarks to the photographs and failed to credit RealTree. Other Chinese news outlets took the post at face value and claimed that the photos actually were of Chinese servicemen. […]

By: Sheep Tue, 13 Oct 2015 22:33:00 +0000 If you take somebody’s artwork and run it in your own publication without any attribution, let alone a consent from the owner or paying royalty, then you are making a statement that you made and own those works. Nothing ambiguous about it, if that’s not what you call theft, obviously we have different concepts about theft. You can’t just go around, see what you like, and take it as your own, whether it’s a sea or somebody’s hardwork.
Secondly look at the context. This is not a popular science blog that educates you the merits of camouflage. This is a PR website whose sole purpose of existence is to evoke people’s pride of their military. So the placement of the photos there carry a clear implied meaning that there’s a reason to be proud about inside those photos, not a bunch of hunters in a sporting retailer commercial. So what next, they’re going to post a clip from ironman captioned “advanced exoskeleton technology protects soldiers in the battlefield”

By: Han Shen Tue, 13 Oct 2015 14:27:00 +0000 They post shit like this from around the world all the time, since they are a military outlet, they post it in context of “look at these cool military related things we found on the internet/”

Why did you say 50 cents at the end of your post?

By: Archie Tue, 13 Oct 2015 13:11:00 +0000 I think you should only get 三毛 for that comment, it is so poorly constructed.

By: Probotector Tue, 13 Oct 2015 13:00:00 +0000 Seriously, you sound like a wumao.

By: solan kong Tue, 13 Oct 2015 12:38:00 +0000 I am sorry american but the camouflage wasnt for terrify yankees or lie about our weaponry only to inspire chinese reader into donning camouflage suit. he is right pla dont write that it is their solidiers so you should not accuse them of lying. Please dont call us wumao, they are used for chinese citizen and not foreigner parasite:)

By: Archie Tue, 13 Oct 2015 07:03:00 +0000 It so implied it by not stating where they were from, despite being published by the PLAs Weibo account. Take off your rose coloured camoflague glases, wu mao.

By: jakeinchina Tue, 13 Oct 2015 04:18:00 +0000 I think they are implying that the PLA wears this type of camo, even if they don’t directly write it. It certainly confuses the reader, even if they don’t directly say it.
