Comments on: A Closer Look at the Grievances Behind Occupy Central Daily news and views from China. Sun, 28 Jun 2015 02:53:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: James Tam Fri, 06 Mar 2015 07:30:00 +0000 Hi Gooddog. Quick answers, though a bit personal. Must rush out in 10 mins.

1. Mainland China if I were about 30. I loved the ocean rather than the aquarium when young. Though HK had the advantage of relatively low quality competition which had made my life much easier to be honest, and I’m lazy.

2. Definitely NOT the US. Like I said, I don’t even transit it. I love Canada which I visit regularly, and I can live there if I want to but I don’t. Nobody, not even Emperor Rockerfeller, can just choose to live anywhere they want to. There are many personal circumstances. Don’t know Australia. Not the UK although I love visiting London. If I have to live in the UK, I’d much prefer Shanghai.

I have no intention to be a populist so don’t mind how I look to those who don’t understand. I do treasure intelligent readers who challenge me, and many do. But there are also many who manically condemn and demonise without due respect to facts and data. They cannot be pleased no matter what.

To give a slightly irrelevant example. The Middle East gets an even hasher dose of demonisation from the propagandists. Millions have been killed or ruined unprovoked, then demonised heartlessly. How many care? Yet ten journalists got gunned down in Paris and it was a world event incited by gut feelings (and subconscious racism?). A few got their heads gruesomely sawed off, and a deafening global outcry was orchestrated by the “Free Press”. What about the thousands of deformed kids born in Iraq after depleted uranium bombs had been dropped without excuse? Not giving any murderer excuses but those who have lost all fairness and proportion, yet becoming more vocal and self-righteous at the same time, cannot be reasoned, and should be pointed out as it is.

Must rush now, so, E.& O.E.

By: Gooddog Fri, 06 Mar 2015 07:02:00 +0000 James – two quick questions – which society would you prefer to live in:
1. Mainland China or HK?
2. Mainland China or the US/Canada/Australia/UK/etc.?
Please also feel free to continue to condescend and insult me. It makes you look better to your readers.

By: James Tam Tue, 03 Mar 2015 08:00:00 +0000 Well, Gooddog. I’ve fought corporate bullies and hypocrites all my life, with modest success and a little satisfaction I might say, rather than sitting from the vantage point of the living room sofa to absorb prejudices and cliches fed by others. But I’m not here to brag about my track record; long past that stage I’m afraid. I rarely engage in inconsequential internet prattles but let me make an exception on this new platform, briefly, to give it face you see. Now, freedom of thought exists only in the heads of those who are capable of independent thinking. Nobody can touch it. Those who can’t, ironically, are constantly worried about their illusive “thoughts” being “controlled” by others. A Free Press? You mean things link the Apple Daily, CNN, NYT, BBC? Hmm. Don’t know what to say. I don’t live in the society you describe though. In fact for years, I’d change my itinerary to avoid transiting the USA, though they used to do the things you listed in much more subtle manners. Alas, no more. Can’t agree more with your last two sentences. I try to fight back when bullied for REAL. I suppose many Chinese have that in the genes. That’s why China has had dozens of revolutions, and managed to survive barbaric invasions by Democratic Drug Lords for more than a century. We still have to kinda deal with tiresome attacks by their demonising propagandists and cultural supremacists, but they are just bug bites by comparison. However, when “bullied” by toothless little pooches, I try to be magnanimous, and just chuckle :-)

By: Devendra Govil Mon, 02 Mar 2015 22:59:00 +0000 A very good article. A great analysis of recent events!

By: Gooddog Thu, 26 Feb 2015 07:53:00 +0000 How unbelievably cynical. Did you not consider that maybe, just maybe, the protestors wanted to protect a civil society – a free press, freedom of thought and speech, an independent judiciary and (gasp) the desire to nominate and choose their leader? Possibly you would prefer to live in a society where your blogs are censored, where you fear imprisonment, where you can’t speak your mind, where you can be sent to re-education camp for little or no reason – a society where corruption, bullying and money dominate all things. If you don’t fight for a free society, those with power and money will take it away from you. When confronted with a bully, I prefer to fight. What’s your response?
