Transformers Embroiled In Another Chinese Lawsuit
Posted: 07/24/2014 2:30 pm
A Hong Kong taxi with a Zhou Hei Ya advertisement that was apparently used in the Transformers sequel.
Transformers: Age of Extinction became China’s undisputed box office champion when it raked in US $225.1 million in its first 12 days of release, beating previous title holder Avatar.
However, with the spoils of victory comes controversy as yet another company is going to court over contractual disputes stemming from the latest Transformers franchise.
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The Hubei Zhou Hei Ya Food Company is disappointed with their product placement in the film, said to last only two seconds. Hao Lixiao, deputy CEO of the company, revealed that his company invested a great deal of money, but left the specific amount undisclosed to the media.
Zhou Hei Ya, or literally “Zhou’s Black Duck”, is taking intermediary agent Beijing Ruige Propagation Company to court, reports Sina News. He Lianjian, chairman of Ruige, told reporters product placements are dependent upon a client’s investment:
A client will pay an amount based upon how much they will appear in a film. The more you appear, the more you have to pay. The less you appear, the less you have to pay. The signed contracts are written in this way.
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Some view the litigation as a shrewd marketing move. Li Zhiqi, chairman of the Beijing Zhiqi Future Market Consultancy Group, says that suing over the Transformers movie is a strategy to gain more attention.
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Earlier this month, a company representing the Wulong Chongqing scenic area announced it is suing Transformers producers and 1905 Technology for not including a sign with the written Chinese characters for “Wulong, China” in the film. Additionally, the Beijing Pangu Company took a third-party agent to court before the first screening of the new Transformers film over a contract dispute.
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