The Nanfang / Blog

Three Shenzhen passengers confirmed on missing Malaysia Airlines flight

Posted: 03/10/2014 9:34 am

Three passengers from two Shenzhen-based companies were confirmed on board of the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 carrying 239 people from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing early Saturday, Shenzhen News reported.

Two of them are from Huawei and one is from ZTE. ZTE confirmed one of its employees, Jia Yanlin, was aboard on a company Weibo post. Shortly afterwards, Huawei confirmed two of its employees were travelling on the plane.

A total of 227 passengers from 14 countries and12 crew members were on board. Two passengers, one from Austria and another from Italy, were found travelling on stolen passports, raising the possibility of foul play, but no links have been confirmed.

The Beijing-bound flight vanished about 40 minutes after it took off from Kuala Lumpur at 12:41am local time, the Guardian reported. Malaysia and Vietnam are currently on site searching for the wreckage. China sent two warships to waters where the missing flight might have crashed. US FBI agents and technical experts were also sent to probe if there was any terror link to the cause of the disappearance.

Reuters reported earlier citing a senior source saying that mid-air disintegration might be the cause of the plane crash as no confirmed wreckage has been found so far. The investigation is still ongoing.

Home page photo credit: Reuters


Plane catches on fire at Shenzhen Airport, 12 injured

Posted: 08/26/2013 7:00 am

Shenzhen Airlines flight ZH9969 which was destined for Beijing caught fire at Shenzhen Airport yesterday during the launch of the auxiliary power units. Twelve passengers received minor injuries while evacuating, Guangzhou Daily reported on its microblog last night.

Image courtesy of Sina Weibo

The accident took place at 18:10 and engineers pledged to work into the night to identify the cause.

The injured were taken to hospital and the other passengers were put on alternative flights.

The nation’s airports are a constant source of drama, mainly due to delayed flights, but the safety record is better than many other countries at a similar stage of development.

The last major air crash in the country took place in August 2010 when a China Eastern flight overshot the runway at Yichun Airport in Heilongjiang Province. Forty-three were killed, ending a five-year record of safe air travel in the country.

Russia, for example, has a much worse record. It saw five separate plane crashes in 2011 alone, leading to 112 fatalities, according to Journalist, aviator and China watcher James Fallows used this to argue his case that infrastructure spending should be sexy.

Shenzhen Airlines, despite being at the centre of a scandal in 2010 when it emerged that many of its pilots had forged their qualifications, has never been involved in a fatal crash.

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