Halleujah! Hong Kong passport stamps to be long gone from next month
Posted: 02/9/2013 8:09 amEverybody who lives in the PRD knows how annoying it can be as your passport fills up with Hong Kong SAR stamps each time you cross the border. But relief is on the way, as Hong Kong is phasing out the passport stamp in favour of a piece of paper.
From next month, passports will no longer be marked, and instead, travellers will be given a slip on entry outlining the terms and conditions of staying in the territory.
This will be a huge help, especially to laowai who frequently visit Hong Kong. It doesn’t take long to fill up a passport when Hong Kong issues two stamps on entry, and another on exit. Combined with mainland China’s entry and exit stamps, that’s five stamps per trip.

This writer’s passport was replaced within a year of living in the PRD. 25 trips to HK = a lot of stamps.
SCMP has more on how it will all work in the future:
The slip of computer-generated paper will carry the visitor’s name, travel document number, arrival date and the date the visitor permitted to remain until… Even if visitors lose the slip they will still be able to leave Hong Kong when they present their travel documents, because their information has been stored in the computer.
It’s a win for foreigners with more room for more travel in Hong Kong and elsewhere.
The Immigration Department, in a fine example of Hong Kong’s noted efficiency, says using the slip of paper will save each visitor 3 seconds when they cross the border.