Chinese Woman Loves Her Dog So Much, She Regularly Eats Its Hair
Posted: 08/20/2014 9:47 am
Wang Jing’s pet “Cool”. Cool surely looks cute, but her hair was apparently more appealing to her owner.
If TLC show My Strange Addiction is looking for people with peculiar eating habits, a 27 year-old woman living in Anda, Heilongjiang named Wang Jing definitely qualifies as one.
A designer-turned dog groomer, Wang takes love for her pet dog very seriously. Wang feeds her pet with imported dog food and pampers her with ice cream and nuts. But she goes even further by treasuring her dog’s hair. So far, in fact, she regularly eats it, Xinhua reported on August 18.
Roughly two years ago, Wang developed a strange obsession: eating dog hair. Once the habit kicked in, Wang said she couldn’t stop. It started with being a little bit curious when she was cleaning up the hair shed from her dog named “Cool”. Upon having her first taste of dog hair, she said she immediately fell in love with its “unique texture”.
In a span of two years, Wang consumed over 1,000 hairballs shed from her pet. The premium hair, she says, is the hair shed right after a dog bath. “It smells nice and tastes good in my mouth, just like eating chocolate,” she said.
We do not know the health benefits, or more appropriately, health hazards, of consuming dog hair. Nor do we intend to find out.
Photos: Daqing Daily